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Gender of Nouns by Meaning in German

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Today we’ll be talking about the gender of nouns in German.

As you know, in most cases it’s very hard to determine the gender of a noun if you see it for the first time. Sometimes it’s possible to guess the gender by the visual form of the noun, like for example the ending. There are some endings that are always masculine, always feminine or always neuter. However, this is a subject of its own. In this article we’ll see how to determine the gender of a noun by its meaning. This is by no means an absolutely reliable way of telling the gender, however I think it often helps. So, let’s get started.

Masculine Gender

First  let’s have a look at all the categories where most nouns are masculine gender.

male humans

The first one is pretty obvious: nouns denoting male humans are masculine gender:

der Mannman
der Arzt(male) doctor
der Lehrer(male) teacher
der Jungeboy
male humans

male animals

Also male animals are masculine gender:

der Hunddog
der Hahnrooster, cock
der Eberboar
der Bullebull
male animals

nouns of time

The names of the days of the week, months and seasons of the year are also mostly masculine gender:

days of the week

der MontagMonday
der DonnerstagThursday
der SonntagSunday
der MittwochWednesday

months of the year

der JuniJuly
der SeptemberSeptember
der MaiMay
der JanuarJanuary

seasons of the year

der Frühlingspring
der Sommersummer
der Herbstfall, autumn
der Winterwinter
das Frühjahrspring
nouns of time

cardinal points

Another category of nouns with all nouns being masculine gender is cardinal points:

der Nordennorth
der Südensouth
der Westenwest
der Osteneast
cardinal points

weather phenomena

Most weather phenomena are masculine gender too. However, there are some exceptions. Have a look:

der Regenrain
der Schneesnow
der Nebelfog
der Sturmstorm
das Gewitter(thunder)storm
die Graupelsleet
weather phenomena


The names of winds are masculine gender, at least most of them:

der Föhnfoehn
der Zykloncyclone
der Passattrade wind
der Monsunmonsoon
die Brisebreeze

rocks and minerals

With the names of rocks and minerals there are quite a few which are not masculine gender, but still many of them are masculine gender:

der Granitgranite
der Tonclay
der Quarzquartz
der Diamantdiamond
die Kohlecoal
die Kreidechalk
rocks and minerals


The names of many drinks are masculine gender, in particular alcoholic drinks and drinks based on plants:

alcoholic drinks

der Wodkavodka
der Weinwine
der Schnapsschnapps
der Gingin
das Bierbeer

drinks based on plants

der Saftjuice
der Teetea
der Kaffeecoffee
der Kakaococoa


The names of currencies may be of any gender, however masculine gender is the predominant one in this group:

der Euroeuro
der Dollardollar
der Centcent
der Frankenfranc
die Markmark
das Pfundpound

makes of cars

The names of makes of cars are masculine gender:

der Rolls-RoyceRolls-Royce
der VolkswagenVolkswagen
der AudiAudi

makes of cars

non-German rivers

The names of rivers are usually masculine or feminine gender. Most non-German rivers are masculine gender except the ones ending in –a or –e, which are usually feminine gender:

der Nilthe Nile
der Mississippithe Mississippi
der Amazonasthe Amazon
der Gangesthe Ganges
rivers ending in –a/-e 
die Themsethe Thames
die Seinethe Seine
die Wolgathe Volga
non-German rivers

mountains and mountain ranges

The names of mountains are often masculine gender, although there are exceptions. Also many mountain ranges are masculine gender:


der Mount EverestMount Everest
der VesuvVesuvius
der MontblancMont Blanc
der KilimandscharoMount Kilimanjaro
die ZugspitzeZugspitze
das MatterhornMatterhorn

mountain ranges

der Himalajathe Himalayas
der AtlasAtlas Mountains
der BalkanBalkan Mountains
der UralUral Mountains
die Sierra NevadaSierra Nevada
mountains and mountain ranges

Feminine Gender

Now let’s have a look at the most important categories with most nouns being feminine gender.

female humans

Again, the most obvious one, female humans. These nouns are usually feminine gender, but, as you can see below, there are a few exceptions. The exceptions presented below are often a result of the neuter ending of the noun. Nouns ending in –chen or –lein (these two are used to make diminutive forms of nouns) are always neuter gender. Have a look:

die Frauwoman
die Muttermother
die Tanteaunt
die Lehrerin(female) teacher
das Weibwoman, female
das Fräuleinlady
das Mädchengirl
female humans

female animals

Also female animals are feminine gender:

die Hennehen
die Kuhcow
die Sausow
die Hündinbitch
female animals


Numbers used as nouns are feminine gender:

die Eins(the number) one
die Vier(the number) four
die Acht(the number) eight
die Tausend(the number) one thousand

airplanes and ships

The names of airplanes and ships are usually feminine gender:

die Boeingthe Boeing
die Bismarckthe Bismarck
die Cessnathe Cessna
die Titanicthe Titanic
der Airbusthe Airbus
airplanes and ships

German rivers

As mentioned before, the names of rivers may be masculine or feminine gender. Most non-German rivers are the former, most German rivers are the latter, although there are exceptions:

die Donauthe Danube
die Elbethe Elbe
die Fuldathe Fulda
die Oderthe Oder
der Rheinthe Rhine
der Mainthe Main
der Neckarthe Neckar
German rivers

Neuter Gender

Finally let’s have a look at neuter nouns. These often belong to one of the following categories:

young humans and animals

The names of young humans and animals are often neuter gender:

das Kindchild
das Babybaby
das Ferkelpiglet
das Fohlenfoal
young humans and animals

chemical elements

Also the names of chemical elements are often neuter gender, although there are many which aren’t as well:

das Goldgold
das Zinntin
das Eiseniron
das Bleilead
der Schwefelsulfur
der Sauerstoffoxygen
der Phosphorphosphorus
chemical elements


The names of units used in physics and other sciences are often neuter gender. Some of them may be used with either the masculine or the neuter article, though:

das Pfundpound
das Voltvolt
das Ampereampere
das Wattwatt
der / das Metermeter
der / das Literliter

letters of alphabet

Sometimes you may want to use the name of a letter as a noun. Then it’s neuter gender too:

das A(the letter) A
das Ypsilon(the letter) Y
das C(the letter) C
das Z(the letter) Z
letters of alphabet

musical notes

The names of musical notes are also neuter gender:

das CC
das CisC sharp
das GesG flat
das FF
musical notes

continents, countries, towns

Many geographical names, like continents, countries and town are often neuter gender:

das heiße Afrikahot Africa
das kalte Schwedencold Sweden
das alte Deutschlandold Germany
das moderne Berlinmodern Berlin
die AntarktisAntarctica
die SchweizSwitzerland
der SudanSudan
continents, countries, towns

So, this is it. One thing to remember when trying to determine the gender of a noun is that although it helps to know which category a noun belongs to, there is usually still uncertainty about it. There are quite a few exceptions, so if you want to be 100% sure, just loop it up in a dictionary.


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