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Verbs with Separable Prefixes in German

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In this article we’ll be talking about verbs with separable prefixes, which are very common in German. Separable prefixes sometimes detach themselves from the verb and change their position. Sometimes, not always. They are attached to the infinitives, for example.

And they have one more feature: they are always stressed.

So, if the verb rufen is stressed on the first syllable (RU-fen), then in anrufen the stress moves to the separable prefix an- (AN-ru-fen). Rufen means to call (like shouting at someone to make them come) and anrufen means to telephone.

So, when you have a verb and the stress is on the prefix, it’s a separable one.

How Do the Prefixes Behave?

How do the prefixes behave? They move to the end of the clause. As an example let’s take the verb anrufen again.

The infinitive is always in one part:

Ich muss dich anrufen.I must call (telephone) you.
Wann kannst du mich wieder anrufen?When can you call (telephone) me again?

But in most other forms the prefix and the verb get separated. Here’s how we conjugate such verbs:

ich rufe anI call
du rufst anyou call
er/sie/es ruft anhe/she/it calls
wir rufen anwe call
ihr ruft anyou call
sie rufen anthey call

The Präteritum looks much the same. It’s an irregular verb. The forms are: rufen – rief – gerufen.

So, here is the Präteritum conjugation:

ich rief anI called
du riefst anyou called
er/sie/es rief anhe/she/it called
wir riefen anwe called
ihr rieft anyou called
sie riefen anthey called

Look what happens to the prefixes in sentences:

Ich rufe dich an.I’ll call you.
Ich rufe dich morgen an.I’ll call you tomorrow.
Ich rufe dich morgen wieder an.I’ll call you tomorrow again.
Rufst du mich morgen wieder an?Will you call me tomorrow again?
Wann rufst du mich wieder an?When will you call me again?
Ich rufe dich nie wieder an.I’ll never call you again.
Warum rufst du mich morgen nicht wieder an?Why won’t you call me tomorrow again?
Ruf mich morgen wieder an!Call me tomorrow again!
Rufen Sie mich nicht an!Don’t call me!

Separable Prefixes – Examples

Some of the most common separable prefixes include:

And there are thousands of verbs like that.

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