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Imperatives of Regular Verbs in French

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Hey, today we´ll be talking about imperatives of regular verbs in French. Imperatives are used to make commands, give instructions and orders. There are imperative forms in the second person singular, second person plural and first person plural. The second person plural is also used as the formal form if you talk to someone you are not on first name terms with.

What all imperatives have in common is that they are used without the subject pronouns. Also, they are all based on the Present Tense indicative forms.

They have different forms depending on which group the verb belongs to, so we are now going to discuss one by one the imperative forms of verbs whose infinitives end in –er, -ir and –re.

Imperatives of Verbs Ending in -er

So, let’s start with the –er verbs. In the second person singular we drop the final –s. The other two forms are identical with their indicative counterparts. Have a look:

Imperatives of Verbs Ending in -er

parler – to speak

2nd person singulartu parlesyou speakparle!speak!
2nd person pluralvous parlezyou speakparlez!speak!
1st person pluralnous parlonswe speakparlons!let’s speak!

Here are some examples with these three imperative forms.

Imperatives of Verbs Ending in -er

chanterChantons quelque chose.Let’s sing something.
regarderRegardez le tableau.Look at the picture.
resterRestez à la maison.Stay at home.
penserPense à tes parents.Think about your parents.
écouterÉcoute cette chanson.Listen to this song.

Imperatives of Verbs Ending in -ir

Now let’s have a look at the –ir verbs. Here it’s even easier because all three forms are identical with their indicative counterparts. Have a look:

Imperatives of Verbs Ending in -ir

bâtir – to build

2nd person singulartu bâtisyou buildbâtis!build!
2nd person pluralvous bâtissezyou buildbâtissez!build!
1st person pluralnous bâtissonswe buildbâtissons!let’s build!

And again some examples:

Imperatives of Verbs Ending in -ir

nourrirNourrissons la girafe.Let’s feed the giraffe.
finirFinissez vos devoirs.Finish your homework.
choisirChoisissons une voiture.Let’s choose a car.
obéirObéis à tes parents.Obey your parents.
agirAgissons vite.Let’s act quickly.

Imperatives of Verbs Ending in -re

Finally, let’s have a look at the –re verbs. These are just as easy. Have a look:

Imperatives of Verbs Ending in -re

attendre – to wait

2nd person singulartu attendsyou waitattends!wait!
2nd person pluralvous attendezyou waitattendez!wait!
1st person pluralnous attendonswe waitattendons!let’s wait!

And some examples:

Imperatives of Verbs Ending in -re

descendreDescendons l’escalier.Let’s go down the stairs.
vendreVends ta voiture.Sell your car.
répondreRéponds à mes questions.Answer my questions.
défendreDéfendez vos amis.Defend your friends.
étendreÉtendons nos recherches.Let’s expand our search.

Negative imperatives

Negative imperatives are very easy to make. All you need to do is add ne…pas, just like with indicatives. Have a look:

Parlons.Let’s talk.
Ne parlons pas.Let’s not talk.
Attendez votre cousin.Wait for your cousin.
N’attendez pas votre cousin.Don’t wait for your cousin.
Réponds à ma question.Answer my question.
Ne réponds pas à ma question.Don’t answer my question.


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