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Home » J’ai, tu as – The Verb AVOIR in French

J’ai, tu as – The Verb AVOIR in French

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Hey, today we’ll briefly revise the conjugation of the verb AVOIR in French and have a look at some examples where it’s used. The basic meaning of the verb is TO HAVE, but it’s also used in lots of expressions where it can’t be translated literally. We’re going to have a look at some of them.

Conjugation of the Verb AVOIR


Let’s have a look at the conjugation of the verb. Here’s the Present Tense:

Conjugation of the Verb AVOIR

j’ai nousavons
tuas vousavez
ila ilsont

Here are some examples. The verb is used in its basic meaning.

Conjugation of the Verb AVOIR

J’ai un petit chien.

I have a little dog.

Vous avez une belle maison.

You have a beautiful house.

Combien d’enfants as-tu?

How many children do you have?


Here’s the Imperfect Tense:

Conjugation of the Verb AVOIR

j’avais nousavions
tuavais vousaviez
ilavait ilsavaient

Again some examples:

Conjugation of the Verb AVOIR

Nous avions beaucoup de temps.

We had a lot of time.

Il avait une soeur.

He had a sister.

J’avais un ami à Londres.

I had a friend in London.

Passé Composé

Next, let’s have a look at the Past Tense:

Conjugation of the Verb AVOIR

j’ai eu nousavons eu
tuas eu vousavez eu
ila eu ilsont eu

Some examples:

Conjugation of the Verb AVOIR

Elle a eu une expérience amusante.

She had an amusing experience.

J’ai eu la chance de l’acheter.

I had the chance to buy it.

Tu as eu l’occasion de parler à ton ami?

Did you have the opportunity to talk to your friend?


Finally, the Future Tense:

Conjugation of the Verb AVOIR

j’aurai nousaurons
tuauras vousaurez
ilaura ilsauront

Here’s how you can use it:

Conjugation of the Verb AVOIR

Tu auras ta propre chambre.

You’ll have a room of your own.

Un jour, Pierre aura un vrai emploi.

One day Pierre will have a real job.

J’aurai un petit frère.

I’ll have a little brother.

Other Meanings of the Verb AVOIR

The verb AVOIR is also used in lots of other meanings, where we would use a different verb in English, often the verb TO BE. One example is when talking about your age. In English we say I am ten years old, in French we say J’ai dix ans, which literally means *I have ten years. And there are other meanings as well, have a look at some of the most common ones:

Other Meanings

avoir … ansJ’ai quinze ans.I am fifteen years old.
avoir chaudIl a chaud.He’s hot.
avoir froidNous avons froid.We are cold.
avoir faimJ’ai faim.I am hungry.
avoir soifTu as soif.You are thirsty.
Other Meanings

avoir sommeilIls ont sommeil.They are sleepy.
avoir raisonTu as raison.You are right.
avoir tortIl a tort.He’s wrong.
Other Meanings

avoir peur de qchJ’ai peur de ta mère.I’m afraid of your mother.
avoir envie de qchElle a envie de danser.She feels like dancing.
avoir besoin de qchOn a besoin d’argent.One needs money.
avoir à faire qchJ’ai à y aller.I have to go there.
en avoir assezJ’en avais assez.I was fed up.

As you probably suspect, the list is far from being complete.


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